A lot going on...All about Hikah?
Today we awoke to the first day of Spring! Although we just had another 6" of snow yesterday, we we're all ready to get out and hit the trails! After sweeping off what snow was left on the deck this morning, I was intrigued by what I uncovered.
Hikah and Gaige Paw Prints |
Paw Prints |
The boys had left their track behind, made of melted snow from the heat of their pads, kind of simple...but really neat!
After their morning feeding, Hikah decided he wanted to stay out. The sun was shining and it seemed as though it was going to be a beautiful first day of spring.
Hikah Sunning Himself |
As we headed out for our hike, I thought this was going to be a short, easy one for Hikah. He seemed tired lately. We have 6 inches of crusted snow and this would be a lot for Hikah to get through. The scene here is totally different from a couple days ago when we had areas of snow and
Eastern Blue birds singing.
Gaige a couple days ago |
Eastern Blue Bird |
Now we are once again totally covered in snow and we didn't hear a single bird. We did see a couple Turkey Vultures and a Hawk over-head by the newly ice-covered swamp.
Hikah, ice-covered swamp and a landscape of snow |
As we continued, I learned that I was the third wheel in this group today. I was dragging feet, tired and at one point I almost turned us back around. That was until I seen Hikah having a great time! We stopped and played his favorite game (chase snow balls), twice!
Hikah digging up snow crust for me to throw for him |
Hikah and I were having so much fun we lost track of Gaige...who knows where Gaige is? I asked Hikah... if he knows, he will look off into the direction of his location.
Hikah looking for Gaige |
As soon as Gaige checked in, he went back doing what he loves to do...track.
Gaige returned and headed off tracking, Hikah back to playing |
Hikah and I continued walking, we came upon a bunch of
Wild Turkey tracks. I've seen track before but this was different. It was a flock parading through the woods, it was rather neat.
Turkey Tracks (click on pic for larger view) |
Hikah and I continued as I continued...
Hikah checking on me, Gaige off doing what Gaige does |
Hikah checking in on me, I'm really lagging! |
A I continued to lag behind, I noticed I had snow piling up on my boots/stabilizers. I must of had an additional 5 lbs of weight I was carrying around! I then remembered going through a wet area which enabled the snow sticking process. Glad to have that figured out!
Snow build-up on boots |
We all continued safely to our destination closely at hand. A special thank-you to Hikah (aka Mr. Man) for being my closest bud today and everyday. Love you Mr. Man!
(Click on pictures for a larger view)