"Do their Jobs", It's been a great season so far!
Over 3' of snow! |
Snow continues to fall like a good old traditional New England, USA winter with continuous days of snowfall. A few big storms and we're looking at over 40+ inches of snow on the ground, woohoo! With temperatures dipping below zero quite a few days and an average of 18 degrees, you would think we're in Southern Alaska! It's just absolutely gorgeous here in New Hampshire!
While my biggest challenge is finding open trails for Gaige to hike on, we depend entirely on the snowmobile folks to pack the way!
Snowmobile trails | | | | | |
Pack Monadnock (far right) ridge-line to North Pack (far left) |
Gaige and I looking out on a frozen river |
| |
With the rivers frozen over blanketed by
snow and Otter's peaking out of their holes, it forces some birds
to move further south.
An Otter peaks out from under the ice |
Although I have lots of company at the frozen over
feeders, I do miss the occasional raptor perched searching for it's next meal.
2015 birds
White-breasted Nuthatch |
Carolina Wren |
Pine Siskin |
Northern Cardinal |
Downy Woodpecker |
Chickadee and American Goldfinch |
Golden-crowned Kinglet |
Northern Cardinal and others in bush waiting to feed at the feeders |
So...as time moves on, so will this season... be sure to embrace for what it is!
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