Thursday, April 16, 2015

Gaige goes to the beach!

 Our annual trip to Hampton Beach, NH and more turned out to be a spectacular day!
The morning was sunny, breezy and in the high 50's. We had a nice walk along the beach from the Hampton Harbor outlet rocks to the northern Ross Ave rock crop. We met a lot of dogs and  interesting people along the way.  At one point, Gaige even thought of himself as the star of the journey accepting all the wonderful comments from passerby's and those that stop and ask to say "hello"!  Although we missed meeting the horses that trotted by, we had a fantastic adventure! 

 (for a larger view, click on the pictures)

Gaige cooling off at the Hampton Harbor inlet  

Gaige walking on the rock wall at the Hampton Harbor inlet

One of Gaige's buddy's. They walked the most together!


Marine Memorial




Seashell Stage

Gaige Center Stage! Almost literally! 

A couple horses enjoying the soft sand under their hoofs

Lunch time, Salisbury Beach, Ma

Lunch at Salisbury was a bit cooler. The wind was upon us from the south and made for an interesting time. I sat at a picnic table and held onto my plate so the wind couldn't take my lunch aloft. Gaige enjoyed his once a day apple, while I consumed my sandwich as the Purple finches sang from above. 
After lunch, we went for a walk and was surprised by a Snowy Owl that flew in from afar. As we moved along I saw a few common birds such as a Phoebe, a Mocking bird and a Cormorant that flew right over us.  A flock of Robins continued their lunch as a Mocking bird pair decided I was in their territory and began their wing display. On our drive out, I thought to check on the seals and was surprised at how many  there were. Along with the seals and unknown to me at the time, where Brants that were dabbling by the rocks.  

Enjoy the pictures! 

(click on the pictures for a larger view)

Snowy Owl

Gaige looking out on the marshes
American Robin

Double-crested Cormorant

Northern Mocking birds mate
Northern Mocking bird, in defense mode

Gray Seals sunbathing

Gray Seals sunbathing

Brant's (small Goose of the ocean) dabbling by the rocks

Couldn't stay out of the woods!

A brief stop on the way home, Clark pond Auburn, NH brought us to our love, hiking in the woods! Although we didn't stay for long, we didn't go without!  Woofrigginghoo! 

Clark Pond with Ringed-neck ducks

Clark Pond

Access to trail system at Clark pond


Make it a great day everyone!       

Peace out!

(click on the pictures for a larger view)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Spending time with...

the Bald eagles, Red-tailed hawks, Ravens, Crows and more.

At a undisclosed location to protect their habitat. With permission from the landowner. This affords me the enjoyment of this grateful time with these magnificent birds. To watch them soar just over head, or play in flight is something I would of never thought I would be privy to. 

So...A site so beautiful, yet shared with so few, I thought I would like to...share it with you!   

More footage to come when weather conditions improve.

 Please visit my website at Nancy Moreau Imagery

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

As the days get longer...

All in while Brent Sass and team of Wild and Free mush down a dream to win the 2015 Yukon Quest Sled dog race and the New England Patriots
"Do their Jobs",  It's been a great season so far!

Over 3' of snow!

Snow continues to fall like a good old traditional New England, USA winter with continuous days of snowfall. A few big storms and we're looking at over 40+ inches of snow on the ground, woohoo!  With temperatures dipping below zero quite a few days and an average of 18 degrees, you would think we're in Southern Alaska!  It's just absolutely gorgeous here in New Hampshire! 

While my biggest challenge is finding open trails for Gaige to hike on, we depend entirely on the snowmobile folks to pack the way!
Snowmobile trails

Pack Monadnock (far right) ridge-line to North Pack (far left)

Gaige and I looking out on a frozen river


With the rivers frozen over blanketed by 
 snow and Otter's peaking out of their holes, it forces some birds to move further south.   

An Otter peaks out from under the ice

Although I have lots of company at the frozen over feeders, I do miss the occasional raptor perched searching for it's next meal.

  2015 birds  

White-breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Wren
Pine Siskin

Northern Cardinal
Downy Woodpecker
Chickadee and American Goldfinch


Golden-crowned Kinglet
Northern Cardinal and others in bush waiting to feed at the feeders time moves on, so will this season... be sure to embrace for what it is! 

Be sure to like and visit my You Tube page for videos at 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Blustery Day

Hiking at the lake in 20 degree weather with winds gusting up-to 30 mph!
A Red-tailed hawk was hunting and winds created snowy twisters across the lake ice as snow squalls moved through the area. Gaige and I bundled up and had quite the adventure...   Wahoo!

Frost bite was not obtained in the making of the video

Snow twisters

 Red-tail hawk 

Gaige hanging onto his ball, which is getting blown away by the gusts

Snow twisters and a heavy gust approaching

Me bundled up!